Fully Reviewed Manga, I just kinda wanted to make a list

Collect 240

Master: sabrutris

Tags: #Action #Funny #Heartwarming #Inspirational #Joyful

Description: GOAL: Fill the description of everything I post in this list REASON: I hate seeing list that get a lot of collection but have no description on what is there to read, just names SCORING:10/10 Must read, 9/10 Superb, 8/10 Great, 7/10 Good, 6/10 Average, 5/10 Flawed, 4/10 bad, 3/10 Painful, 2/10 Broken IDEAL OUTCOME: That I spread the name of a few lesser known stuff out there and to show new list-makers that you can fill the description of everything you put in the list /I HAVE RETURNED/ .

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Total Series: 13 06/09/2016 Create 18/01/2018 Update
Collect 240
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