On-Going Must Reads!

Collect 5

Master: devonavitch

Tags: #Action

Description: Some of my all time favorite ongoing manga. Some maybe popular while other maybe a hidden jewel from various genre. There are a couple that are pretty new and aren't very far along, but I feel they have great potential! Reviews of each manga ongoing. If you have any you recommend that aren't on here let me know! If you wanna know what the cover for the list is it's Drifters..

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Total Series: 5 21/01/2015 Create 07/10/2015 Update
  • Nanatsu no Taizai

    Author(s): SUZUKI Nakaba

    Status(s): Completed

    Reviews: A great shounen adventure manga set in fantasy Britania featuring knights, fairies, magicians, and demons. One of the most badass MC out there (9/10)

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  • Hunter X Hunter

    Author(s): TOGASHI Yoshihiro

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: One of the most popular series that even got a remake in anime. This one built the childhood of many kids back then. UPDATE PLEASE! (8/10)

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  • Akame ga Kiru!

    Author(s): Takahiro (タカヒロ)

    Status(s): Completed

    Reviews: A great tragic manga, with all sorts of different weapons and fighting styles. A little warning don't ever get attached to characters. (9/10)

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  • Ubel Blatt

    Author(s): SHIONO Etorouji

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: Mature audience only. Its a really good manga! It has a twist too. And you realize it after you read a bit. UPDATE PLEASE! (9/10)

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  • Kingdom

    Author(s): HARA Yasuhisa

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: If you need a war manga this is your manga, it has combat and nice characters. Plenty of epic guys, and even some sad and dramatic parts. (10/10)

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  • Berserk

    Author(s): MIURA Kentaro

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: A total classic. It is so good even right from the start and only gets better. Bloody, and tragic is the name of the game. UPDATE PLEASE! (10/10)

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  • Until Death Do Us Part

    Author(s): TAKASHIGE Hiroshi

    Status(s): Completed

    Reviews: Action packed. I mean it's a blind samurai cutting a part a bunch of terrorist like people. Martial arts/ weapons whats not to like. (9/10)

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  • Yowamushi Pedal

    Author(s): WATANABE Wataru (渡辺航)

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: Great sport manga about a seemingly weak MC. Surprise he's good at cycling! (8/10)

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  • Holyland

    Author(s): MORI Kouji

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: Great story plot of a MC trying to overcome his own weakness. Has psychological issues with action and romance. UPDATE PLEASE! (9/10)

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  • Destroy And Revolution

    Author(s): Mori Kouji

    Status(s): Completed

    Reviews: Gives me a death note feel. The story line is superb and has raises moral questions. It also makes you think WTF is life? UPDATE PLEASE! (8/10)

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  • Jisatsutou

    Author(s): MORI Kouji

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: Totally different manga where suicidal people are thrown out of society. Great story plot that isn't rushed. UPDATE PLEASE! (8/10)

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  • Tokyo Ghoul:re

    Author(s): ISHIDA Sui

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: The sequel to Toukyou Kushu, which was an awesome manga! If you haven't go read it and then read this one. Story plot so far has potential. (8/10)

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  • Shingeki no Kyojin

    Author(s): ISAYAMA Hajime

    Status(s): Completed

    Reviews: Very gory with awesome art. Mysterious plot that gets revealed more and more throughout the manga. Wish it updated faster. (9/10)

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  • Sun-ken Rock

    Author(s): Boichi

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: If you like martial art manga this one is for you. Great story that makes you crack up sometimes. For mature audience only. (10/10)

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  • Hajime no Ippo

    Author(s): MORIKAWA Jyoji

    Status(s): Ongoing

    Reviews: Art isn't great at first, but gets better along the way. Classic manga about boxing. The anime really does the fights justice, but far behind. (9/10)

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  • Feng Shen Ji

    Author(s): Zheng Jian He

    Status(s): Completed

    Reviews: Great art, MC, fight scenes and plot. About a guy who challenges the god's. ALWAYS IN COLOR. (9/10)

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