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Master: kentartemis

Tags: #Action #Boy X Girl #Pure Love #Games #Young Blood

Description: VARIOUS GENRE, BUT [Tags] ARE PROVIDED. Rating: ✌️✌️✌️✌️ 1-5 Horrible .. 6-Bearable .. 7-Decent .. 8-Good .. 9-Great .. 10-A.Must.Read. I based it on 3 things: art, plot and gut feeling. Art; is it good, consistent, does it match the story, etc. Plot; is it something new, interesting, does it build up to something great, and such. Gut Feeling; I based most of my ratings on this one, was I entertained while reading, was I looking for more, those kinds of things.

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Total Series: 10 27/11/2015 Create 05/04/2016 Update
Collect 161
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